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Schmooze Vol. 1 Issue 2: Research Committee Report

Sarah Landua Friedman, Committee Chair

The mission of the Research Committee is to promote the scientific study of the psychology of antisemitism. The assumptions motivating the work of the Committee are that the eradication of antisemitism requires understanding (a) the psychological and social processes that lead to it and maintain it; (b) the effects of antisemitism on its victims and (c) the effectiveness of science informed programs to eradicate antisemitism.  

Members of the AJP Research Committee worked with other AJP members on initiating and developing the Psychology of Antisemitism Fund at the American Psychological Foundation, with an annual award of $ 4000.

Members of the Committee approached the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) and proposed that NASEM embark on a Consensus Study on Developmental Approaches to the Scientific study of Antisemitism.  NASEM is now in the process of getting approvals through the organizational chain of command.  The prospects of approval are very good but not assured.  Regardless, through interactions with NASEM, we now have a written scope of work that is extremely helpful.  A consensus Study takes about two years and provides a blueprint for future societal investment in and scientific work on the topic of the study.  

Members of the Committee planned and submitted three scientific symposia proposals to two annual Conventions:  The Convention of the Association of Psychological Science and the American Psychological Association.  

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