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Join The Association of Jewish Psychologists

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We are proud to announce the formation of the Association of Jewish Psychologists (AJP) and invite you to join with us as we:

  • Support Jewish culture and identity within the discipline of Psychology.
  • Strengthen psychological approaches to fighting and defeating antisemitism.
  • Encourage scientific research of antisemitism, Jewish identity, and resilience across the lifespan.
  • Raise funds through the American Psychological Foundation (APF) to support the pertinent psychological research.
  • Further the development of evidence-based clinical approaches to treating all people impacted by hate, prejudice, and persecution.
  • Encourage APA to create a Council seat for a representative from AJP.
  • Encourage APA to include Jewish issues and Jewish psychologists in all of its EDI initiatives as well as in other ongoing diversity policies.
  • Collaborate with other Jewish and social justice / human rights / equity-based organizations.

Become an AJP Member!

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