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Personal, Community and National Resilience in Times of War

AJP Webinar

Dr. Shlomit Weiss-Dagan will be our webinar speaker on Sunday, May 19, 2024, at 10 am PT / 11 am MP / 12 pm CT / 1 pm ET.

The length of the webinar is 2 hours.

Between Personal, Community and National Resilience in Times of War

The atrocities of October 7th have given new meaning to words such as trauma and resilience. The lecture will examine the unique meaning of individual, community and national resilience, as we have witnessed since the war began. My presentation will include both personal experience and relevant theory and research on resilience.

Shlomit Weiss Dagan
Shlomit Weiss-Dagan

Dr. Shlomit Weiss-Dagan is a member of the School of Social Work at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. Shlomit holds a Ph.D. in Social-Work and a Master in Social-Work (MSW). Her PhD focused on secondary traumatization and vicarious posttraumatic growth among child protector workers. Her current research interest is social welfare policy, poverty and inequality from a critical theory perspective. During her post-doctoral studies at Upenn University in the U.S., she examined trends in social policy evolution in general and the evolution of child welfare policy in particular.

Personal, Community and National Resilience Webinar Event

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