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Redesigning Trauma Specific Therapy and Resilience for Jewish Survivors


Webinar presented by Lenore E. Walker, Ed.D., ABPP CL & Fam

Date: Monday, October 28, 2024
Time: 5:00 pm PT / 6:00 pm MT / 7:00 pm CT / 8:00 pm ET
Location: A Zoom link will be sent to you a few days before the event from the AJP administrator

The task force for creating a curriculum for Jewish trauma has been working to identify what we believe is necessary for mental health practitioners to know about helping Jews survive antisemitism and war. All of our task force members have some expertise in working with traumatized people including those who are Jewish. We have identified similarities and differences when working with Jewish survivors in the current environment including focusing on the impact on Jewish people’s identity and rebuilding resilience by reconnecting to important Jewish values. We have divided the curriculum into two parts. Part 1 has supportive interventions for immediate trauma and Part 2 gives suggestions for longer term psychotherapy when the impact of trauma is ongoing or has reawakened historical and intergenerational trauma. Several members of the task force will present their work in this area that will be included in the curriculum that we are developing.


  1. Participants will review the proposed Jewish trauma curriculum that identifies similarities and differences from other person’s trauma experiences.
  2. Participants will focus on rebuilding resilience through focus on Jewish values as well as treating trauma symptoms.

lenore walker

Dr. Lenore E. Walker is a co-founding board member and treasurer of AJP. A longtime elected member of APA Council of Representatives and other governance positions, she was selected by the APA to chair the development of the first professional practice guidelines on PTSD and related disorders. Her research and clinical intervention with battered women, named Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS) and other survivors of interpersonal trauma has been published in numerous peer reviewed articles, book chapters and books. She has given keynote addresses and training workshops internationally. She testifies in legal cases around the country and world providing information about the psychological impact from trauma to assist judges and juries in various types of cases. She is working with AJP trauma experts to help develop a trauma curriculum for working with those experiencing antisemitism and Jewish trauma. A professor emeritus from Nova Southeastern University she continues to provide forensic services in her independent practice. Among other honors, she was awarded the 2023 Gold Medal Award for Impact in Psychology. Her favorite activity these days is writing mystery novels that can be found on Amazon.

Redesigning Trauma Specific Therapy and Resilience for Jewish Survivors - Part 2 of Dr. Lenore Walker’s Webinar

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