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sarah friedman

Sarah L. Friedman, Ph.D.

Dr. Sarah L. Friedman is a developmental psychologist with MA degree from Cornell University, Ph.D. from the George Washington University and post-doctoral training at the National Institute of Mental Health. She held positions at the National Institutes of Health (NIMH;NICHD), National Institute of Education (predecessor of the Institute of Education Sciences) and the CNA Corporation (a research and analysis non profit organization). At present, she is a Research Professor at the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, the George Washington University. Her past scientific papers and edited books address a wide range of topics in the area of child development. These include (a) the effects of preterm birth on cognitive, educational and social development of children; (b) the interface of brain, cognition and education; (c) the development of planning skills; (d) longitudinal follow-up research strategies; (e) environmental influences on psychological development; (f) child care and children’s psychological and health development and (g) communication between deployed parents and their children. A list of her publications can be found on the National Library of Medicine's website. She currently serves on the editorial board of two scientific journals and previously served on the editorial board of two other scientific journals. She authored US Government solicitations for research in areas of her expertise, oversaw a large grant portfolio, presented extensively at national and international conferences, was interviewed by newspapers, radio and TV, nationally and internationally.

Distinctions include:

  • Fellow – Association of Psychological Science (1991 to present)
  • NIH Merit Award "for exceptional leadership in managing the National
    Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child" (1993)
  • Fellow - The American Association of Applied and Preventive Psychology
    (1995 to present)
  • Fellow - American Psychological Association (1996)
  • NIH Merit Award “for your outstanding leadership in the development of the
    program of research being conducted in Phase II of the NICHD Study of
    Early Child Care” (1996)
  • Fellow—Division 7—Developmental Psychology—of the American
    Psychological Association
  • Advisory Board of Child Research Net(work), c/o Benese Corporation,
    Tokyo, Japan (2001 to present)
  • Fellow-Division 1--Society for General Psychology (2003)
  • American Psychological Association (APA) Meritorious Research Service Commendations (2003)
  • Scientific and Policy Advisory Group, Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (2006)
  • Scientific Advisory Board, Military Child Education Coalition. (2010 to present
  • Fellow - Division 33---Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities---of the American Psychological Association (2011-to present)
  • American Psychological Association (APA) Division 7 (Developmental) Executive Committee (2016-2017; 2019-2021; 2023-)
  • American Psychological Association (APA) Member of Council (2016-2017; 2019-2021; 2024-)
  • American Psychological Association Division 1 (Society for General Psychology) President Elect (August 2019-August 2020); President (August 2020-August 2021); Past President (August 2021-August 2022)
lenore walker

Dr. Lenore E. Walker, Ed.D. ABPP CL & Fam

Dr. Lenore Walker is a licensed psychologist and Professor Emerita from Nova Southeastern University’s College of Psychology. She is a trauma psychologist who has developed evidence-based treatment programs for those experiencing gender-based interpersonal violence. Her research on battered woman syndrome has been accepted for expert testimony in courts around the world.

She has provided advocacy and knowledge to local, U.S. and other governments, including Israel, in developing policies for those who have experienced domestic violence, sexual assault, harassment and trafficking. She has authored over 25 professional books and numerous articles. Her passion is writing mystery novels. To learn more about Dr. Walker, visit her webpage,

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